Manage Favorites List

  1. Log into your AccountSign In

  2. Find your favorite items in the category that is right for you


  1. Once you find an item you love, add it to your Favorites List

  2. Pick which Favorites List that you want to add the item to or create a brand new list

    Add Favorite

  3. To view your Favorites List, click on your account name
    View Favorites

  4. Manage your Favorites Lists
    Manage Favorites

  5. View the items in each of your Favorites Lists
    View Favs

  6. Remove items from your lists at any time
    Remove Favorites

  1. Edit your Settings for each list
    Edit Favorites

  2. Edit your List Nicknames or choose which user logins can view your lists
    Fav List Settings

  3. Permanently delete your lists
    Delete Favorites Lists